St Agnes Rooty Hill

Term 2 English brought an exciting new topic for Year 9 classes: Science Fiction. Each class watched a science fiction movie (The Hunger Games, I,Robot, Wall-E or The Giver) and were asked to complete an assessment task around this concept.

The assessment task consisted of three parts: a visual representation, an artist's explanation for the representation and finally an in class essay on film techniques and themes that were presented in their respective films.

The first part of the assessment, creating a poster or visual representation symbolising one theme found from the allocated film, brought up a wide variety of imaginative abstract art. Originality was clearly shown and expressed creatively by students across the grade, by using a range of unique and symbolic colours, shapes and materials.

The special visual representations were marked and are now placed on the 'Wall of Work' in the Chappotin building, for students to admire and comment on the amazing effort given for this assignment. The 'gallery' allows students to compare and contrast ideas, while feeling inspired about this topic.

As part of a class reflection on the assessment, classes reviewed the work together and, with the aid of their teacher, examined the art and put forward some of their ideas about certain pieces.

This experience provided a great way for students to anonymously get a feel for the quality of work produced throughout the grade and to see more representations outside of their friendship groups.

Piadora Rahme and Jasmine Thomas

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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