vietnam Veterans at St Agnes Rooty Hill

On the 15 September Year 10 students were visited by two Vietnam Veterans, Mr Cosgrove and Mr Perry, as well as Mrs Cosgrove.

This visit has been an annual event for our students who will be studying the Vietnam War next term, as part of their history programme.

Each year we look forward to hearing about the war, the events leading up to the war and the experiences of the veterans, after the war.

Not only were our students exposed to a first hand account of events from a soldiers point of view but they were also informed of the experiences of the wives, mothers and children's perspective thanks to Mrs Nancy Cosgrove.

Students were able to empathise with the conscripted soldiers through the birthdate lottery activity and given an opportunity to learn about the different roles of soldiers, such as, the signalmen, communications and infantry soldiers.

Four lucky students were invited to wear army uniforms and role-play what it must have been like for each of these soldiers.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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