R U OK? Day at St Agnes Rooty Hill. School Photo.

Let’s hope we don’t wait another 364 days to start a conversation, to check in with a loved one, friend, someone we know or even ourselves. This conversation could change a life.

On Thursday 12th September, St Agnes was awash with yellow in celebration of R U OK? Day. As a society we are finding that our young people are experiencing unprecedented levels of distress, anxiety and depression. R U OK? Day activities are designed to empower all young people and school community members to Ask, Listen, Encourage Action and Check In.

This year’s theme to ‘R U OK? Day’, was trusting the signs, trust your gut and ask R U Ok? This day was a very important wellbeing initiative. Research has reported, that younger people have a much higher chance than older people to suffer from mental illness. 26% of younger peopled (aged 14-24) suffer from a mental illness. 20% of deaths in people aged 15-19 has resulted from suicide or self-harm.

Div Class:

R U OK? Day at St Agnes Rooty Hill.

R U OK? Day at St Agnes Rooty Hill. Chalk drawings.

Our students were involved in creating art works, image presentations, words of encouragement, posters and advice sheets which have been displayed in the library. Our school community members had a gallery walk to interact with these works and then added their own messages on our pavement, capturing the essence of the day. A formal presentation was given by Prue Excell (School Counselor) and myself.

The presentation was aimed at supporting our students in how to ask R U OK? and importantly what our role is if we feel someone is not okay. Our students showed great insight, maturity and compassion around this work and we are grateful for the community’s support of this day.

Family School Liaison Officer

R U OK? Day at St Agnes Rooty Hill. Chalk drawings.

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St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

St Agnes Catholic High School Rooty Hill

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